October/November, after the first frost, is also the time to pick hawthorn berries. Hawthorn is relatively unused as a hedgerow berry being mainly used for hawthorn gin or hawthorn brandy. It can also be used to make a jam or jelly. Hawthorn gin is much nicer than sloe gin. It is not as sweet and syrupy, in fact it tastes more like a fortified wine such as dry sherry, than it does a liqueur. It is worth maturing. Hawthorn gin made now will be perfect next Christmas. If you don’t think you can wait that long, then make double the quantity – some to be drunk young this year, and some to mature for the next. Make lots anyway as it is very moreish!
How to make Hawthorn Gin
Sort, top and tail the berries. This is quite time consuming and not the end of the world if you don’t – however it will result in sediment that is hard to strain out later and will impair the clarity of your gin. Pack the berries into a preserving jar, sprinkling a little sugar between layers. Once you have reached the top of the jar (leaving a little space to allow for shaking), fill with cheap gin (supermarket own brand will do). Seal and put in a cupboard. Every few days or so give the jar a shake.
After 4 weeks the berries will have lost their colour and the gin turned a shade of rosé. (If you leave it longer before straining, the flavour will intensify. However, you are more likely to get a sludgy sediment occurring. If you have bright plump berries you could leave the gin to macerate for several months, but if the berries are hard and discoloured a month is sufficient.) Once strained, filter off into bottles and mature for a further three months at least. Enjoy in moderation!
How to make Hawthorn Brandy
Follow the process above but substitute brown sugar for white sugar, and brandy for gin.
The health benefits of hawthorn
Hawthorn also has a history as a herb used by herbalists to treat high blood pressure. It is also beneficial to the heart as it has vasorelaxant properties and is very high in bioflavonoids – also good for your heart. This is well-supported by research. (If your blood pressure is already high and you are on medication you shouldn’t just stop taking it. But, in conjunction with a consultation with a medical herbalist, you may be able lessen your dependence on drugs.) The best way of taking hawthorn berry is as a tincture. A tincture is basically the herb (in this case the hawthorn berry) macerated (soaked) in alcohol to form a tincture. So basically hawthorn gin is a form of tincture. And a small nip taken regularly, as in old country days, may help to keep the heart and circulation healthy. A tea made with the leaves or berries is also a healthy way to keep your blood pressure low, especially if combined with lime flowers and leaves.
They say hawthorn is good to help against high blood pressure, but what if you have low blood pressure, would taking this be harmful.
It can be confusing because sometimes you’re told that a herb both raises and lowers blood pressure. That’s because in herbal medicine herbs are often used to regulate (i.e. normalise) blood pressure. Hawthorn is one of these along with; Hyssop, Garlic, Parsley, Yarrow, Passionflower, Chamomile, Tomatoes, Scullcap, Wood Betony, Evening Primrose, Chervil, Ginger, Ginseng. Herbs like Liquorice, Rosemary, Motherwort are often used to treat low blood pressure. There are quite a few other herbs reputed to raise blood pressure but with mixed proof including; Aniseed, St. Johns wort, Capsicum, Ginger, Ginseng, Parsley, Bitter orange, Vervain, Black tea, Chasteberry (Agnus castus), Gentian, Bayberry, Coltsfoot. Ones to be wary of along with anything containing caffeine are; Ephedra, Pau d’Arco, Yohimbe, Cola alkaloids, Broom alkaloids, Calamus amines, Guarana, Blue cohosh.
Very interesting. Why care to be taken with pau d’arco? I use it for incidents of thrush in the mouth and throat for which it’s very effective. However, it’s better to know of any contra-indications.
Pau d’arco is great for many things however it contains an iridoid and a glycoside that inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production. Nitric oxide (for example in beetroot) lowers blood pressure by making your blood vessels expand, so lowering blood pressure. Inhibiting nitric oxide prevents blood pressure from lowering.
Have orange juice and eat steamed spinach,or lentil soup red meat. Or quarter cup stout.
Hawthorn balances your blood pressure. Amazingly if you have high blood pressure it will bring it to a normal level and the same with low blood pressure. It will also strengthen your heart, and heal what is out of balance. Check with your health care provider if you are on medication.
Thank you for the recipe.i shall be making haw vodka tomorow.
Also..i enjoyed reading the scottish forestry commissions pdf brochure.a brilliant day for gathering berries.
This is great – I make lots of foraged fruit liqueurs and had been wondering if haws would have enough flavour. Mainly seen mentioned mixed with other fruit in fruit leather before. So definitely going to try this.
You won’t regret it
Does it matter if the hawthorns are squidgy or burst when you use them? Should they be firm and not split?
No. Just not rotting or mouldy.
I harvest mine in quantity and then pop them straight into the freezer. This way, they are already frosted, which helps them soften. Have just took mine off the berries after near on 2 months and added some dark brown sugar to taste. I find not too sweet is best, but the vodka, haws and dark brown sugar give a rich rum flavour – very nice as a warmer in the winter. Have to get some more vodka now, as I’ve at least 2 more brews of berries left!
Sounds lovely. It’s been a great year for haws this year. Made quite a few bottles and they’re already shaping up to be as good as any vintage port!
I think your comments on high blood pressure are very interesting and informative. I’ve also heard lots of stories a out Hawthorne Berries lowering high blood pressure so I’ve bought three trees do I can harvest them on tap as to say. I would like to get as much goodness/health benefits out of Hawthorne Berries for my very high blood pressure. I’ve heard Hawthorne Berry Wine is very good as well. Does anyone have any recepies please or evrn herbs good for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Thank you
The Yorkshire Man
It’s not just stories, there’s plenty of clinical studies and published papers about hawthorn lowering blood pressure and strengthening the heart muscle. The leaves and flowers, or the berries can be used. They’re often taken with lime (Tilea europaea) flowers and leaves. Either take them as a tea (1 tsp dried to one cup hot water) or 4ml tincture 3 times a day. For high cholesterol try garlic or red rice yeast like Lowerol but the basics apply – change diet to 50% vegetables and exercise. If in doubt, see a medical herbalist. I’ve written much more about health at http://www.napiers.net
Monica your so informed and versed. When other’s say haws are we talking berries. Where would I get Tilea from and red rice yeast.
I do a fair bit of walking and I’m learning to forage ad well so I can make wine Jam’s etc as well as learning what is good for my high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Any ideas please for anything foraged to make wines ,liqueurs etc
Steve Coles
Haws is the name for the hawthorn fruits (berries). Tilea can be bought from most herbalists. I work at http://www.napiers.net and we certainly supply it.
Hi, thanks for this great info on hawthorn, I’ve made a batch this year and tried a small sample (to see if the taste is to my liking,,, yeah well you know). And anyway it’s exquisite even as a fresh tincture, the flavor is smooth and subtle but delicious and I can understand how this might mature into something comparable to high end drinks such as port or brandy or rum. It’s incredibly delicious. I’m off hedgerowing later to grab more. This needs industrial scale manufacture. What an amazing taste!
Luckily it’s a great year for haws. The berries are all looking really red and plump already.
I made this a few years go and drank it perhaps when it was too young, and believe that haws are best left for the birds.
Determined not to miss out on such an abundant free resource I made another batch last autumn, following the advice to leave it a year to mature and will try it at Christmas.
Do I repeat the process this year and keep a rolling programme of haw liqueurs going or put my vodka and gin to better use? Are rosehips a viable alternative?
I make haw gin every year without fail. Pick the haws when the skins are still bright red for the best taste. Allowing it time to mature is helpful but not always necessary. Once a bottle is opened though it should be drunk quite soon as oxygen can make it go cloudy.
Good advice, thanks. Will bring my tasting forward so that if it is palatable there is still plenty of time to get another batch going this year. Great website by the way.
Many thanks. Glad it’s useful.
What a difference a year makes!
Tried this yesterday with my very unsure (adult) son and we both loved it.
Still plenty of haws in good condition about so this will be an annual thing. The rosehips will go for syrup.
Is it too early to pick haws now? Or should I wait until October?
Pick haws now if they’re a full deep red. You don’t have to wait as it’s the skins more than the flesh that provide the taste.
Thanks very much, there’s tons this year, so I’ll give it a try!
Would this recipe work with dried hawthorn berries, or is it best with fresh ones?
I’ve wondered about dried berries. Theoretically it should work (it does for medicinal tinctures) but I haven’t ever needed to try. Let me know how you get on and what it tastes like.
Steve The Yorkshireman
Hello Monica and everyone. Does anyone know of an Hawthorne Berry Wine Recepie if so please could you share it. I have tried a Hawthorne Berry Wine bought from a man who makes ‘ hedgerow wine’ over a year ago and it was liken to a good quality red wine
He obviously wouldn’t tell me his recepie.
Monica please could you tell me that even if Hawthorne Berry is in a wine format, would that still be good for the heart or will the Hawthorne of lost its chemical benefit during the wine making process.
Thank you as ever
Steve the Yorkshire man
Please can anyone tell me if they have any Hawthorn Berry wine recipes.
Monica please can you tell me if making Hawthorn Berry wine reduces any chemical benefit of the hawthorn Berry during the wine making process.
Thank you
It probably still has a medicinal benefit as long as you don’t over heat/boil it on the must.
Steve the Yorkshire man.England
Research actually says that Hawthorne berry actually breaks down cholesterol in the artery walls is this true does anyone know
Can anyone please tell me if there is a recipe that includes Hawthorn berry and elderberry together.
Thank you
Steve Coles
I don’t have a specific recipe but no harm in just mixing them up and experimenting. I’m sure the result will be delicious.
PFAF.org has an edibility rating for the different Hawthorn varieties. I wonder how different the gin will taste between the varieties. I’m gathering Downy Hawthorn- C. mollis (4/5 edibility).
The common Washington Hawthorn is rated 2/5.
I guess it also depends what gun you use!
Question on prepping the berries, you say to remove the dried flowers on the end. My berries look like the ones in your picture above, are those ready to use or do they need the little stars removed? I tried several different ways of cutting/ punching them oif and just managed to mash/ split the berry and rarely just got the star tips off.
It depends how fresh they are. If the ‘star’ has got old it can make your gin a bit dark and cloudy. If the berries are younger it doesn’t matter as much.
Hey. I tried to make it. And it was good. I made them back in Oct/Nov, but now they have turned into jelly! Like a nice, clear jelly. Has anyone experienced that? Other Berry gins are fine, it’s just the pure hawthorn one! Can anyone explain why that would have happened? Thanks.
I’ve seen this happen before. It’s because of the pectin, found naturally in fruit – particularly very ripe fruit. It’s higher in some types than in others. Although insoluble it converts to soluble pectin when fruit ripens or when heated, especially if the solution is on the acidic side. Pectin is a negatively charged colloid in acidic fruit. When you add sugar to this colloid, the pectin–water balance breaks down. This creates a fibrous gel network capable of supporting liquids – the basis of making jams and jellies. So to avoid getting jelly-like gins and infusions:
* Don’t add fruit that is too ripe or overripe.
* Don’t heat fruit or keep it in too warm a place. It’s best kept on the cool side.
* Don’t add too much sugar. (I put a small amount in at the beginning and sweeten to taste after the fruit is strained off and the gin is ready to bottle).
* If the fruit is very acidic consider adding less acidic fruit to raise the pH (ironically high-pectin fruit can be very acidic if underripe). Remember, commercial pectin is mostly made from citrus peel by precipitating the pectin out in alcohol!
Hope that’s helpful!
And don’t leave the fruit in for too long!
It’s the other way round, I think – pectin is higher in unripe fruit, and goes down as the fruit ripens.
Thanks for your comment. I can see that I didn’t phrase that very well. The point of avoiding overripe fruit is not that the pectin is higher but that the sugar is higher after ripening which acts on the pectin to make a gel.
Thank you so much for all that information. I’ll keep that in mind! I suppose I can spread my hawthorn gin on bread now.
Enjoy your sandwich
Monica, you are a real gem, a brilliant mind of useful information. Peter
Thank you
Echoing what someone above said about C.mollis, I have what I think is C.schraderiana. Very heavy yield of big dark red berries which make great jam with an apple-y flavour. I’ve just started some wine for the first time and liqueur will follow as soon as I’ve found a big enough jar! Thanks for the recipe!
Pingback: Foraging for Haws with Scrubland Scavenger - Food Community
Im making some haw gin this year and its starting to develop an ‘off fruit’ ‘sour’ smell and flavour. Do I ride it out for a few more weeks or quickly strain it off to salvage it.
Please help!!!
Salvage. Strain now. Add a little more sugar. Wait a month and taste again.
Well, I am using this as a medicinal tincture, originally learned of it as vodka tincture. I saw your recipe this year and tried gin. Just was preparing to sieve off the liquid but it has turned to jelly! And I did not add any sugar. They were not overly ripe either. Maybe these ones are different – on other side of the world from you though they look like the European variety – wild (on an old homestead – most likely European variety brought over here as otherwise our native variety is black I think). This is not something I’m prepared to throw away – too much effort to get them with little time, and in the city. Another herbal medicine book I have says to squeeze through a jelly bag, as they suggest it “will” turn to jelly, though they also say to grind up the fruits in a blender, which is a hassle and also chops the seeds up, with whatever that toxic compound is. Currently I have a mouthful of jellied berries.
Maybe I will try to simmer the whole thing to make it liquid…(?) If anyone has suggestions…
I do appreciate your blog and your name is one my partner and I mention and refer to, as you have quality information which is less common these days.
Heating it will just strengthen the jelly unless you melt it in hot water which diluted it. Suggest you sieve it now and separate liquid from jelly. Keep the liquid for your original purpose. Freeze the jelly as ice cubes (although alcohol may prevent freezing). Or put in jars (alcohol should help preserve it – or boil with sugar) then use a tsp dissolved in hot water as your medicine.
if I have hawthorn tincture, leather. ketchup, and dried berries for infusion, should I only take one of those in a day? what is the maximum dose? per day
Technically, the max herbal dose of a 1:3 45% tincture steeped for a month is 4ml three times a day. However, going over this for short periods isn’t harmful unless you already have high blood pressure or are on blood pressure medication.
Just making some Haw ketchup but have little maggots inside
I read one article that said they are safe to eat !
Do you know if I can still use them or shall I throw away
They are unlikely to harm you after all our ancestors survived
If the infestation is light just ignore them, if it’s heavy there won’t be much of the berry left.