Category: Wild Medicine Info

The Super Powers of Stinging Nettle Seed

Nettle seed

This article was written for the first of Reforesting Scotland’s biannual journal of 2018. Reforesting Scotland is a membership organisation encouraging free and open debate on a wide range of… Read More

How to become a Herbalist

If you want to train or study to become a professional medical herbalist, there are a few routes open to you. However, first you need to think about what you… Read More

How do dock leaves work?

By Sten Porse - Own photo, taken in Jutland., CC BY-SA 3.0,

I’ve already written extensively about the right way to use dock and how powerfully it works. The trick being to use the gel found inside the young, furled leaf sheath… Read More

How to make Nettle Cheese

Make nettle cheese with vegetable rennet

This is a light cheese made with a nettle rennet and cow’s milk. Using a vegetable rennet rather than calf rennet allows you to make a vegetarian cheese. There are… Read More

Angel wings fungus. Angel of death?

Here in Scotland the beautiful, fragile, delicate angel wings mushrooms are forming on the rotting stumps of old pine. They’re exquisite to look at especially around sunset when catching the… Read More

Yellow earth tongue

Spathularia flavida Also known as the yellow fan, this fungus is a member of the club fungi and found in mixed conifer forests in mosses and decaying leaf or needle… Read More

Forest trips help asthma and allergies

Asthma and atopic dermatitis are common allergic diseases, and their prevalence has increased in urban children. Recently, it is becoming understood that forest environment has favourable health effects in patients… Read More

Hairy bittercress

Hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta). It’s the essential seasonal ingredient for winter soups, pestos, salads & garnishes providing a fresh, and tasty source of vitamins and minerals right through the winter. … Read More

New Forest fungi picking ban by the Forestry Commission

Aside from the lurid media “Aliens Ate My Fungi” headlines, the alleged criminal gangs sweeping the forests, the unsubstantiated evils of fungi picking on conservation, the misreported fungi poisoning statistics… Read More

Hedge Woundwort on the Midge Battlefield

Hedge woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)

Early June and the midges are out. I suddenly noticed this when I walked into a sylvan glade in the woods. It was so beautiful. The brilliant sunshine dapples by the shade of… Read More

The Association of Foragers

The Association of Foragers ( #AOF) was founded in 2015. It is an international professional foragers association, promoting sustainability and ecological stewardship through teaching and harvesting wild plants and fungi for… Read More

Monkshood (Wolfsbane) poisoning

Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) also called Wolfsbane, is pictured here growing in a hawthorn bush. This is a very poisonous plant. Aconitine, mesaconitine, hypaconitine and other alkaloids have potent cardiotoxins and… Read More