Claid Clinic

Monica has a Masters degree in herbal medicine (UCLAN) and works as a Research Herbalist. She is particularly interested in infectious diseases and has specialised in the herbal treatment of Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) and other tick-borne co-infections such as Bartonella and Babesia since 2018. Viruses are also implicated in long-term chronic fatigue conditions and coronavirus COVID-19 post-viral syndrome is no exception, also responding to herbal treatment. She was awarded an Inspiration Award by Holistic Scotland in 2021 for her work in Lyme.

Monica works in association with the Claid Clinic at Napiers the Herbalists. Claid stands for Covid, Lyme And Infectious Diseases. Her main role as a Research Herbalist is to support our group of Medical Herbalists working towards the same deep understanding of these conditions. Monica does see some patients, particularly in collaboration with doctors for patients who require an integrative approach. This ensures that they have a holistic plan for long-term healing that combines the best of both types of medicine while avoiding any negative drug-herb interactions. Through the clinic we can also arrange testing for a wide variety of bacteria and viruses.

To contact the clinic to see how Monica and our team can help you, please visit the Claid Clinic or email 

Watch Monica’s talk with Dr. Jack Lambert entitled A Collaborative Approach to Lyme on YouTube.