Yellow Bolete

Found a bolete I could not identify today, so any pointers welcome. Have consulted Collins, Rogers, Wright and O’Reilly to no avail!


Found two on a moss bank under old beech, 13 October in West Lothian, Scotland. The bank run also includes Ceps (Boletus edulis) and some Scarletina Bolete (Boletus luridformis) a few trees away.

Bolete: Lemon yellow stem (tapered both ends), yellow stem flesh (no pink or red tinge), does not immediately stain however after half an hour a small central stain of blue started to appear but did not spread further, deep yellow pores, cap flesh yellow. Cap itself velvety brown with pink-red undercap. Doing a spore print overnight.




1 Comment

  1. X. pruinatus 🙂 – must try to get together when John comes up next month, would love to join you for seashore

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